The Grocery Guru

Helping you save big so you can live large

2009 All You Grocery Challenge

Are you STILL looking for motivation to start saving on your grocery bill? Do you like challenges and have a competitive streak? I have exactly what you need! The 2009 All You Grocery Challenge is challenging YOU to spend no more than $25 per person in household per week over 4 weeks.

But wait! There's more! If you choose to accept this challenge, you could win a $1,000 grocery card, a one-year supply of Knorr side dishes, and a feature in All You magazine. Not convinced yet? The winner will appear on The Early Show on CBS in December!

But, you have to ACT FAST! In order to be eligible for this contest, you must sign up by July 12th!

To get all the details and to sign up, click HERE. I have already signed up and will be keeping you updated on my progress through this blog. If you sign up, let me know by leaving me a comment!